
Do you know what is Endometriosis? Do you know how to release some symptoms?
đź’›Today’s post, in addition to a lot of information, also brings some of my experience. .đź’”I was diagnosed with Endometriosis when I was just 18 years

Should I or should not do the Abdominal Vacuum?
Do you have these questions about Abdominal Vacuum??? Feel weird or not right to execute it? .⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s not everyone who can do the Abdominal Vacuum,

Pilates x Low Pressure Fitness (Hypopressives)
Pilates and Low Pressure Fitness share a common goal, which can be broadly defined as regaining control of the body through awareness. They prioritise body alignment,

Exercises in Menopause (Pilates – LPF are excellent for relieving symptoms) :
First we need to recognize some symptoms of menopause: • Hot flashes that start suddenly and without apparent cause • Intense night sweats that can

Low Pressure Fitness and Pilates for Post COVID-19
Use Pilates and Low Pressure Fitness to help recuperate from COVID-19 Latest research is showing that we could be doing a better job of helping our bodies recuperate

How Low Pressure Fitness and Pilates can help cyclists
During the pandemic the number of cyclists in London has grown by nearly 120% as people have turned to bikes as their transport and physical activity. I